
Entrepreneurs and innovators addressing some of the financial markets biggest pain points in banking and payments need a financial infrastructure partner that can provide the level of service and engineering resources needed to grow and thrive in the expanding financial technology sector.

Fintech infrastructure solutions by Nexos - helping solve the industry’s most difficult pain points.

Fintech infrastructure

  • API Gateway

    Providing easy access to banking and payment services through an easy to use API gateway.

  • Card services

    Offer physical and virtual debit cards for payment products, branding campaigns, business accounts and more

  • Virtual accounts

    Create payment accounts for consumers and businesses to use with mobile payment applications.


Cyber security is an increasingly important component of any fintech deployment given the nature of connecting a mobile application that uses the public internet to connect to banking back-end services. Nexos provides a robust suite of cyber protection design components to protect sensitive data and prevent threats from impairing your customers activities.